Introduction coming soon.
Motivated by video hues, our main colors include red, green, and blue. Purple is generally used for contrast. In most cases, green and blue are our key colors. Red is used to highlight or emphasize. An alternative to red is orange from our secondary palette.
236, 32, 40CMYK
1, 99, 94, 0HEX
139, 197, 65CMYK
51, 1, 98, 0HEX
40, 170, 255CMYK
70, 15, 0, 0HEX
32, 26, 86CMYK
100, 100, 34, 30Our secondary color are used less and only meant to compliment or emphasize. Of the four colors, orange and magenta take priority.
0, 178, 178CMYK
76, 4, 35, 0HEX
216, 19, 255CMYK
41, 81, 0, 0HEX
255, 145, 19CMYK
0, 52, 99, 0HEX
255, 221, 19CMYK
2, 9, 98, 0Shades of black are necessary for various printable and electronic mediums. Black is not regularly used, but “Gray 100” instead.
12, 13, 13CMYK
74, 67, 66, 85HEX
27, 30, 31CMYK
75, 66, 64, 75HEX
51, 55, 58CMYK
73, 63, 59, 53HEX
71, 76, 78CMYK
69, 58, 56, 37HEX
98, 104, 106CMYK
62, 50, 49, 19HEX
137, 143, 145CMYK
49, 37, 38, 3HEX
187, 192, 195CMYK
27, 19, 18, 0HEX
215, 220, 221CMYK
14, 9, 10, 0HEX
238, 241, 242CMYK
5, 2, 3, 0HEX
248, 249, 250CMYK
2, 1, 1, 0HEX
255, 255, 255CMYK
0, 0, 0, 0All blacks are permitted for use in gradients. However, certain colors are permitted to match with others as seen below.
In our eCommerce market, we emphasize green with blue to support.
In our eCommerce market, we emphasize blue with purple to support.
At other times, use our general resources color palette including red and orange.